Archery Targets

Archery is the game that involves the shooting of arrows that are released from the bow and shot at a target. The closer you shoot the arrow to the archery targets, the more your score will be. The scored targets of each player are added and the person with the highest addition is declared as the winner.

This game is categorized into to types i.e. field and target. The player shoots the arrow from various distances at one target in archery targets and in field archery the players are allowed to move around in the course and shoots at the targets of various sizes from various distances. The bows that are used in the later type of this game have a traditional look.

The bows that are used in the archery targets and the field target are made up of fiberglass or carbon and are fitted with stabilizers and sights. These bows are attached with stabilizers to stabilize the bows while playing the game. The arrows are attached with a pointed tip of metal in the front and at the back; these arrows are provided with slots to attach the strings of the bows. Straw ropes are stitched together to make the butts or the targets and then the canvas targets are pinned with colored papers.

The adventurous archery targets involve of many rules that need to be followed by the players or the shooters. During the competitions, the players can use any other bow except the crossbow. One of the rules of the game also specifies that every players should have a different colored crest on his/her arrows as a sign of identification. The arrows can only be shot when the player are given the signals.

Every player is allowed to shoot only six arrows at the specified target. The shots are counted valid even in the circumstances like: after shooting, the arrows that fall down from the bow or the bows that do not reach the shooting line. The longest distance is to be shot first and the distance of shooting gradually increases after the first shot.

The shooting distances are different for the men and the women competitors. For men the distances are 90 meters, 70 meters, 50 meters, 30 meters and for women the distances are 70 meters, 60 meters, 50 meters and 30 meters

Listed below are some of the archery targets that are available in the market. The pro weave target faces are durable and are stuck together by pressure and heat. These types of boards can be used for improving the shooting skills.

The 3D archery targets will add a lot of excitement in the game. These types of targets are available in the market and can be used by the beginners as well as the expert shooters. These archery targets can be made at home also by using corrugated cardboard, cording, foam padding, 2x4 wooden boards, excelsior etc.

Archery is a game of skill and concentration and if practiced regularly it can certainly be improved.

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