Problems in article marketing

When you click on search engines, your three keywords will literally result to a thousand of websites. You can thank article marketing for that bit of fact.

Article marketing is the use of well-written articles to supply information on a topic that is closely related to a product. For instance, if you are selling a medicine on diabetes, a great way to promote the product and to catch the eye of people with diabetes is to write an article about diabetes! That way, your target market will be caught.

Articles used for this type of marketing will often include a bio box that will list down the company, the product and the contact details. Some will even have pictures of the product beside it. Quality articles that are used in this field are often informative and short. After all, you want to keep them interested and not bored them to death!

It is not surprising that in recent years, the world wide web has caught on to its effectiveness. Article marketing now has become an online phenomenon. More and more articles about a variety of subject areas are being uploaded everyday over the internet. People who have websites have turned to articles to increase their page views.

In turn, they are supported by online advertisers who rely on their page views for advertisement views and consumer awareness. Search engines also rely on the articles submitted to their directories to rank websites during a search. The more articles in the directory, the better the rank.

But the use of online article marketing has lowered the quality of the materials that are being posted over the internet. Instead of the well-written articles that inform consumers about a relevant topic, websites post materials that are haphazardly written. Check some of the websites that come out from the search engines and you will see just how much the quality of the Internet articles have lessened.

Some articles on the Internet are copied from another website. Even though they have different first paragraphs and introduction, the essence of the article or even the body will be the same exact same thing. Some rephrase the original article but when you read it, you will see that the concept and the principles being discussed are often the same. This is why there are a lot of duplication when you research over the Internet. Some will even present an entirely different topic after the second paragraph.

Another problem is the structure and grammar of the articles posted. Most of the articles nowadays have really atrocious grammar and several wrong spellings. Typos are also pretty common in websites. The structure of the articles is also not well-done, leading people to think that the people who wrote them are non-writers.

Reliability is also another problem that has cropped up with article marketing. Since articles are written primarily for the search engine rank and the page views for advertisers, most articles will no longer contain any authors. This is considered unreliable sources especially for people who are researching technical pieces. Only a couple of websites have articles that carry bylines.

This has affected the reliability of the information that are gotten from the Internet. Some in fact cannot be trusted at all especially the sites that are not so well-known.

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