
There is a lot of information out about immunizing your child, and a lot of opinion and controversy. There is a lot of mis-information available as well. No matter what choice you make, these are things you need to do before your child can start school. Before your child starts kindergarten, he or she will need to have a physical performed by a doctor. Your school should provide the forms, including the immunization paperwork.

If you have completed immunizations, the nurse can complete the dates for all the shots and give any that are still needed. If you have chosen not to immunize, you will probably need to make an appointment with the healthy department. This will vary from state to state. In Utah, you have to meet with a nurse who will tell you all the harmful effects to your child by not immunizing. You have to stick to your decision, and then they sign the waiver. There can be a lot of pressure on you if you have chosen not to immunize your child. Make sure you are well informed and can explain your choice.

As your child progresses through school, they may need boosters to their previous shots. When they begin junior high, they will need all the paperwork completed again, or copied from the elementary school.

Whatever choice you make with your children and their health, make sure you are aware of the pros and cons and make your choice wisely. It’s often easier to immunize and avoid the pressure that is associated with choosing not to. However, if you feel strongly about not subjecting your children to the shots, be informed about your choice. Make the right choice for you and your children.

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