Shoes and the people who wear them

It was my fist day back to school. I stood outside my classroom, waiting for the instructor to unlock the door. I looked around at my fellow classmates. I suppressed a laugh when I noticed one girl and her outfit. She was very stylish in a bright sundress, and looked like she could have stepped out of a fashion magazine. She was dressed to the “T”, including her silver pointy shoes. I have to give her credit for not having heels, at least they were somewhat sensible. I stood in my Skechers sport shoes and smiled inside.

If you are going to be walking a lot, it is a good idea to have comfortable shoes. Make sure you have worn them a few times so that you aren’t creating blisters on your first day of school. The same ideas apply to your children. Don’t send them to school in their brand new shoes until they have worn them around the house for a while and had a chance to break them in a little bit.

When you are picking out shoes for your child, or for yourself, consider what their purpose will be. Obviously, if they are to go with a specific outfit, the comfort might not be as important as it would be if you were planning on jogging in them. Find shoes that feel good and fit your feet. Children can typically wear a ½ size larger than their current foot size to allow for some growth.

Later in the day at school, I saw the same girl. I wanted to go up and ask her how her feet were doing, but she was too far away, and I was too tired from walking to try to catch up with her. Besides, I think I already knew the answer.

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