What is Workplace Bullying?

Although bullying is considered something that happens between children at school, it can also happen between adults in the workplace. Workplace bullying is when one employee, or a group of employees, targets another person for ridicule, criticism, and threats. Workplace bullying is more common than many people think and can take on different forms. Many times the person who is being bullied will not try to peruse their bully, because they are unsure what to do.

Workplace bullying, like the bullying that takes place between children, is meant to damage another person either physically or emotionally; in the adult world it is usually emotionally. Victims of workplace bullying are constantly criticized for trivial things and their accomplishments are belittled or overlooked. Victims of workplace bullying are also undermined by the bully at every chance they get. Victims are often the target of false accusations and doubts as well. Even though these accusations and doubts are untrue, a workplace bully uses them to control their victim.

Another form of workplace bullying is exclusion from groups or denial of information about what is going on in the workplace. Workplace bullying victims are often left out of the loop by their bullies and denied access to resources and projects. This occurs because a bully is trying to undermine their victim and make their own work seem better than it is. Victims of workplace bullying are also treated differently than everyone else by the bully, and are subject to stricter rules and different standards. This is done to make it easier for them to fail and seem inadequate.

Workplace bullying can also include shouting, humiliating, and teasing the victim. Workplace bullies will do this to try to damage their victims confidence and make their work suffer. Workplace bullies often set higher standards and unrealistic goals and deadlines for their victims to make them look bad. Workplace bullying victims can also be given excessive work or forced to work an excessive amount of hours under threat of dismissal.

Another common form of workplace bullying is having work stolen. A workplace bully will take the work of their victim and then pass it off as their own to their boss or manager. The victim will usually have no proof that the work is actually theirs and will have no recourse. Workplace bullying victims are also commonly denied of requests they make for time off, even if they are entitled to them. Workplace bullying victims are made to think that they are at fault even though it is the bully who is wrong. Workplace bullies will do whatever it takes to eliminate their perceived threats.

It can be hard to identify workplace bullying and even harder to stop it, keeping a record of bullying interactions and remaining calm is the best way to deal with workplace bullying. Sometimes it will be necessary to take your problems to your superiors, even if you skip over a direct supervisor. Do not accept workplace bullying and do your best to try and stop it.

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