Junior High nerves

I experienced something new this year. My oldest daughter got a ride to her new junior high for orientation and I met her there. As I was nearing the school in my car, I got a case of nerves. It was really strange. I thought to myself “Why am I feeling nervous?” I was not the one starting at a new school. Then I thought of my daughter and wondered if she was already there.

When we met up and stood in line waiting to get her a locker, I asked her if she felt nervous. She told me that just as they got to the school, she had a case of the butterflies. Just about the same time I did. I would guess that her nerves were probably the reason I had them – somehow we were connected. It gave me some insight into how she was feeling because I felt it too.

Being nervous for a new school or other new experience is normal. It’s our body’s way of telling us that we are alive and ready to try something new. Or, at least that is how I view it. If your child has this happen, explain that it is normal and allow them to talk about how they are feeling and why. You can help to reassure them that everything will be fine.

Transition to junior high makes children nervous because they don’t know what to expect. They have heard all the horror stories about school from older kids. Give them a chance to become familiar with the school and help them find their first classroom. Help them with their locker and show them where the bathroom and lunchroom are. Make sure they have someone to eat lunch with. All these things will help ease their anxiety.

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